Friday Favorites- Minimalism

I know I've been neglecting my blog lately. Moving just has me all out of sorts. I love a good Friday Favorites though, so I am making sure to take the time to give you that today. So, without further ado...

I mentioned a few posts ago that I've been terrible at reading lately. Putting that out there had me a bit sad, so my next Target trip I picked up a copy of The Joy of Less by Francine Jay. We have really been working on downsizing lately and I figured I could use a dose of minimalism literature. I also recommend watching the documentary that is on Netflix right now called  Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things. It really is eye opening and very entertaining. 

Minimalism Part Two
I am living out minimalism right now. We are currently living in temporary housing and I cannot begin to tell you the increase in the amount of down time I've had. I spend about 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening cleaning and that's it. The apartment stays clean and I have so much more free time. I've actually been napping almost daily. I also taught myself how to crotchet and I am about a quarter of the way through my first blanket! 

Minimalism Part 3
Before we left Hawaii, I let the girls pick a small number of toys to bring along. They chose to bring all their American Girl dolls and plenty of accessories. It has now been a month and all they have played with is those dolls. You know what? They are still happy playing with those same toys. I kind of felt bad for the while I was shopping at Target a few days ago so I bought them each a set of Legos. I bought H some Duplos and I bought E a Wellie Wisher set. Now E has played with hers quite a bit, but little miss has literally not TOUCHED her Duplos! So, I am a believer now. The only question is, what do I do with all their toys that come with our household goods? If you have any suggestions I would absolutely LOVE to hear them!

Suite Française 
I watched a movie on Netflix the other night, something I haven't done in ages. (thank you minimalist life) I remembered seeing a while back on Facebook that a friend of mine had watched this film and loved it. Well, boy oh boy were they right! Such a great story and its based on fact. I don't want to give it away, but I think it would be a great compromise movie. Lots of romance and lots of war stuff going on. Check it out! 

Free Time
I absolutely have loved having E home for the summer. She is so special and we all love getting to spend more time with her. However, I am SO happy she is back in school! I have a routine again. I hate having to get going so early, but its nice to have to get ready and out the door each day. It just gets things going for me. Shopping trips have been much quieter and most importantly, I have my quiet time back! H has been taking long naps and I have been soaking it in. If you are a parent you know what its all about having that quiet time to recuperate. I feel like I am a better and much happier mom now that I have a moment to myself. 

Our New House
I got the keys to our new house today!! I knew that I liked it, but after getting the keys this morning I was able to actually walk around slowly again and take it all in. I like it so much more than I did before. So thankful I don't have buyers remorse, or rather, renters remorse. It'll still be a few more weeks before we can move in, but I am excited to get over there and get things cleaned and ready for our things. I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes that it is only a few weeks, rather than months, until our stuff gets here. 

Remember those affected by Hurricane Harvey and if you can, find a way to help out. I hope you all have a wonderful three day weekend!



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