A Small Change

I've had a lot of time to think recently since I'm living the forced minimalist life. (read about that here)

Change. I cannot believe the changes I have personally made. I used to hate Texas and said that I would never move to such a place. I hated the cockiness. You know what I'm talking about. Texas sized this and Texas that. Country radio can't get over the state and the whole pride that its residence have was just about enough to make me want to barf. It doesn't help that I am from Oklahoma and the football rivalry runs deep. I'm also from a small area in Southeastern Oklahoma that has a beautiful lake, that is inhabited by Texas licenses plates every holiday weekend. All of that combined, had left a taste in my mouth that resembled copper. 

Now I am a Texas resident and I have that 5 letter word on the back of my own truck. I even tried on a shirt a few days ago that proudly displayed the Texas flag and that lone star. Why do I have this change of heart? Well, I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure it has to do with maturity. Now, I'm not saying I'm mature, by any means, the Lowes delivery people walked in to my living room the other day while I was dancing to the Trolls soundtrack with my girls. However, I have lived a little now and I guess I learned not everything is what it seems. Maybe Texans are prideful because there is something to be proud of. Maybe it was time for me to move on. 

So that is what I have done. I've moved on from my hatred of Texas. Good thing since I am living here and all my wordy possessions are in a box labeled TEXAS. 

This has me thinking what else I should evaluate in my life. Is there anything else I'm holding on to that maybe is time to let go? I can think of quite a few and I am giving those things some thoughts. 

So lets move on this week, folks. Think of one thing that you "hate" or dislike or that really bugs you and try and find a positive spin.

Letting go feels good. 



  1. Good for you girlie!!! I'm glad you've been able to let it go and it's good advice.


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