5 Things I learned During Summer Vacation

This is my first summer following a full time school year. Here is Hawaii part time preschool is hard to come by. After E begged, literally, daily to go to school we decided it was worth it. So she had an amazing year of school and now we are in our first summer break. Here are a few things I've learned
 this summer.

1. Nap time cannot happen if I want her to sleep at night. Yes, she had nap time every day while she was in preschool. One whole hour. She still napped before I sent her to school as well. I was really excited at the idea of summer break and getting that one hour to myself. My youngest, and still at home child, naps right around the same time as school naps so I thought I would be set. WRONG!! There is no amount of crafts, park play, or dance party that exhausts my kid to the level she was exhausted at school. If she takes that hour nap there is a 110% chance she will not go to bed at that glorious hour. Instead she'll get out of bed 20 different times asking for anything and everything under the sun, not excluding dinner requests for the next night, her dreams of going on a family cruise, or telling us that her bottom itches.

2. Bedtime is the most important activity of the day! Sure having a good bedtime routine is important and making sure your child gets adequate sleep is also suggested, but what I'm talking about it actually bedtime. Get those kids in bed before I loose another ounce of my mind. Because seriously by 6pm I'm about to loose my jacks and marbles. By the time 7 rolls around I am marching those pajama clad little heathens up the stairs and on goes the night light. I LOVE bedtime. LOVE it! Yes, it actually sucks because THEY don't think they are ready for bed, but I know this is my last push before the glorious hours that are my own, that follows.

3. Trying to figure out what to feed these kids for lunch every day is torture! Now you might say, didn't you have the same issue when school was in session? The answer is NO! I packed her lunch every day and she insisted on a butter and jelly sandwich each and every one of those days. She doesn't know that she only got jelly and not the butter but she was happy as can be. I just made sure and switched up the sides and occasionally used a cookie cutter on her bread and she was a happy camper. Now that she is home for the summer she is done with jelly and phantom butter sandwiches and she has no idea what she wants instead. I spend approximately 17 minutes every day discussing with her what she would like for lunch. It usually ends up being the very first thing that I suggested. And no, if I just go ahead and make her lunch without her approval she just won't eat. I've learned this is a battle I am not willing to fight. My strong-willed child doesn't not do well on an empty stomach.

4. We are both ready for school to be back in session. I remember singing the Christmas song when I was in high school and wondering why the parents and kids were both happy about the kids being back in school and now I understand. I love my babies dearly, but there is a reason they go to school at this age. They need the stimulation from both a teacher and other students.

5. The sibling bond is strengthened an immeasurable amount with so much time spent together. For now, ages 2 and 5 are a good combination. I'm not naive to believe that they will always love each other this much, but I am sure enjoying it while it lasts. These girls play together all day long! They laugh and tickle and pretend and it makes me absolutely gushy with happiness. This is my most favorite part of summer. I know little sister is going to be lonely and lost when big girl goes back to school in just a few short weeks.
A Target trip cuddle

I learn something everyday about being a mom. Mostly patience. I know this list could be 105 instead of just 5, but who has time for all that!


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