
Showing posts from August, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: Best Day Ever

Today is a link up and the subject is Best Day Ever. I have so many wonderful days in my memory bank. One in particular sticks out. No, not the cliche days. Of course I cherish the day I married my husband and I adore the days I gave birth to my beautiful girls. The day that I remember as being uniquely wonderful was the day we explored the island of Capri. We had been married only a few months. Life was exceptionally grand! We were crazy in love, living in England, making enough money to fund our travel obsessions. We went on adventures every single weekend that we weren't working and had big vacations planned every couple of months. This particular vacation was to Rome. We spend several days exploring the ancient city. I remember the exact moment we walked up and saw the Colosseum. I literally cried. It was as if the joy was water and it was overflowing from my body. I remember having goose bumps all over my skin and hot tears streamed from my eyes. How lucky was I! We spend...

Moving- Week 2 Recap

My life revolves around moving at the moment. We are into our third week, so I thought it was time to give a week 2 recap... We went to the lake last weekend. Broken Bow lake to be exact. It is one of my favorite places and definitely my favorite place in Oklahoma. Such a beauty and filled with wonderful memories. We went out on my dad's boat and went exploring. We went pretty far up north and found a gorgeous spot. We all decided to jump in for a little dip and E had a blast jumping in over and over again. My dad was ecstatic to see his little daredevil grandchild in action. We made a cardboard box fort. I mentioned before that my dad got new appliances. We put the leftover range box to good use. I cut out a little door and window and the girls were so happy to have a special little place in their grandparents' living room.  We watched the eclipse with my mom. I loved how eerie the sky was. We played at parks. We visited s...


I have moved more times in my life than most people I know. By a lot. I understand the struggles. I understand the stress, the anxiety, and frustration. I've even moved with children before and understand that the extra, pint-sized, person adds even more of a struggle to the mix. I have not, however, ever moved with a 5 year old and a 2 year old. Patience. Patience is the name of the game. Why does it always have to be about that word? Why can't it be about laughter or gluttony.  I mean, I'd rather go on a vegan diet with kale chips to replace sweets than have to deal with that dadgum P word. Popsicles, polar bears, heck, even PEAS. I love all those words more than I love patience right now. My 2 year old has had a fever for the last week. Actually, she has had a fever for 8 days straight. Besides the fact that I am worried about her, because I'm pretty sure having a high fever for 8 days isn't normal, or good, I have to deal with the effects of that high fever,...

Moving- Week 1 Recap

I have a computer!! I left with such haste that I went off and left my computer and blogging on my phone has proven to be most difficult. I've managed to write several posts and I haven't been able to post any of them. Since it wouldn't make much sense with the days being all off, I'll just do a big recap. Our last night in Hawaii was spent in Waikiki. That is where we spent our first night, once moving there, so I found it only fitting to spend the last night there as well. We had some Kalua pork pizza followed by Honolulu Cookie Company. I love the Cookie Company's cute little pineapple shaped cookies and it has kind of become a "thing" we do whenever we come down in the evenings to see the beach.  I don't ever want to forget this My feelings that evening were conflicted. I was thankful for the time I had spent on that beautiful island and at the same time sad to leave, happy to move forwards, wondering if I would ever get to come bac...

Moving On

We always knew our time would be limited here. When we took the job we said it was a 2 to 3 year plan. We have been here just under 2 years and already our time is up. We have been to beautiful beaches, hiked gorgeous trails and discovered waterfalls. We've visited other islands, made incredible friends. We really have taken full advantage of our time here and done everything we could have in our short time. Moving to Hawaii has done something to me. I feel like I've accomplished something. Coming from small town, Oklahoma I never thought I'd have the opportunity to leave and explore. When I moved to England I was ecstatic and felt some sense of accomplishment, but it was safe. I moved with the military and they took care of me. This move to Hawaii we did on our own. The accomplishment I feel isn't the kind that you think of when you've earned something monetary. Its more the type you feel when graduating college. When you've had a weight loss goa...